Data security solutions built on next-gen technologies | HCLTech

Data security solutions built on next-gen technologies

January 30, 2023
Mageshkumar Aadhinathan


Mageshkumar Aadhinathan
Senior Consultant, CS and GRC Services
January 30, 2023

Safeguarding sensitive data with next-gen data security approaches

There is no surefire, one-stop-shop when it comes to protecting sensitive data. No individual security technology will eradicate the risk of data theft or inadvertently exposed private information. Enterprise security teams are figuring out that they need to accumulate and consolidate security and compliance information from all the tools at their disposal to proactively guard against malicious actors.

Scalability in data security

IDC Global DataSphere forecasts that global data volume is expected to more than double in size between 2022 and 2026. Given this volume growth, organizations need to efficiently secure the integrity of this data, which can play an invaluable part in helping innovate new products and services, evolve business models and enhance customer experience.

With agility as their primary driver, organizations are moving to a mix of cloud-based and on-premises technologies. This helps them compete with the industry standard and drive their organizations into the future. The proliferation of data has resulted in an ever-widening threat landscape, exposing businesses to malicious actors. It has prompted the need for data security solutions that are scalable and capable of addressing modern-day threat scenarios.

Research has shown that there is a dearth of situational awareness and a dire lack of capabilities for current security tools to enforce data governance policies. This results in data breaches and the exposure of sensitive information.

Challenges to data security when adapting to modern technologies

The rapid pace of digital transformation has led to a vast skill gap that has left security teams struggling to manage data security across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. It has left enterprises more vulnerable to cyber-attacks than ever before. To add to the complexity, data security tools are frequently designed for specific environments and have limited use cases. As a result, teams are often left overwhelmed. They grapple with issues such as inadequate visibility, disjointed compliance information, and fragmented operations across their on-premises and cloud-hosted storage environments.

Research has shown that there is a dearth of situational awareness and a dire lack of capabilities for current security tools to enforce data governance policies. This results in data breaches and the exposure of sensitive information. IDC’s 2021 Data Security Survey revealed that more than one-third of organizations have experienced a ransomware attack or breach globally. The study also detailed the daunting challenges faced by security teams in enterprises, in the current climate.

A next-gen data security approach to support hybrid multi-cloud

Future-minded organizations are handling these issues by adopting cutting-edge data security approaches that protect sensitive data consistently across highly dispersed environments. This approach is centered around a holistic visualization of the entire digital environment and provides an overview of the organization’s security ecosystem. It empowers security teams to zero in on areas of risk quickly to mitigate the highest risks, no matter where the data resides.

This cutting-edge approach deals with the inefficiencies and overloads in the system that lead to data exposure and damaging data breaches. It also addresses issues such as reduced visibility and supports the management of sensitive data across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. These integrated measures help security teams to develop a comprehensive, centralized view of security risks enabling them to take swift action, on-the-fly.

It has been found that effective organizations adopt cutting-edge data security approaches through methodical steps. These include:

  • Establishing a data triage team. This team must be able to comprehend the business processes that are already in place, standard workflows, etc.
  • They must also consider how the existing security framework is applied to address data. This could be data in use, stored in databases, and/or data in use but not intended for long-term storage.

How to begin your data security journey

To make sure that a new data security approach succeeds, security teams need to use data security solutions that integrate easily into their existing IT infrastructure and will extend protection policies to the data storage ecosystem.

This would include solutions that will coordinate with software-as-a-service (SaaS) and other as-a-service applications and cloud stores to enhance innate data protection abilities. The solutions also need to guarantee that data governance policies are standardized regardless of the geography of vulnerable data.

A robust security solution must support:

  • Automated discovery and classification
  • Ongoing vulnerability assessments
  • Real-time activity monitoring
  • Risk-posture assessment
  • Customizable key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Ability to protect data across environments
  • Comprehensive compliance and long-term reporting for both cloud and on-premises-hosted data

HCLTech can help align your digital transformation goals with your business needs to supercharge progress through unbridled innovations.

Schedule a call with us today to meet all your data security and compliance needs proactively. Our team of specialists will be happy to explain our processes. Allow us to assist you in developing a cyber-safety strategy tailored to your business needs.

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