Key Imperatives Driving the Data Security Industry | HCLTech

Key Imperatives Driving the Data Security Industry

January 30, 2023
Mageshkumar Aadhinathan


Mageshkumar Aadhinathan
Senior Consultant, CS and GRC Services
January 30, 2023

Data security industry top-notch issues

Data security problems can range from issues as granular as out-of-date software to large-scale struggles like such as a lack of support from leadership teams. Some of the most common issues faced by IT security teams, professionals and their organizations are discussed below.

Recognizing that you are a target

It is a common misconception by smaller organizations that their data and assets are of no interest to cyber criminals. But this is far from the truth. The modern economy has created an interconnected ecosystem where all companies have assets coveted by cybercriminals. Namely, information and money. Every organization, no matter its size, is fair game.

Faced with this reality, even adopting the best data security practices would be a huge step in the right direction for many companies. Any enterprise can be at risk and acknowledging the fact that any company can be targeted by cybercriminals is the first step toward developing a resilient defense strategy. It is also worth noting that, according to studies, most data breaches are linked to human errors. Such scenarios are highly preventable with the right training and investments.

The modern economy has created an interconnected ecosystem where all companies have assets coveted by cybercriminals. Namely, information and money. Every organization, no matter its size, is fair game.

Underfunded data security teams

Rapid digitization has revealed the wide-ranging skill gaps plaguing organizations, particularly when it comes to data security. Data security teams are easily overwhelmed when their organizations scale up and they rapidly need to address active threats, manage training staff and meet compliance mandates. And any lapse in speed or focus can leave their digital perimeters vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Many in-house data security teams spend most of their days putting out fires, leaving little time to proactively develop future strategies and provide guidance to team members. Without the time or resources to look ahead, data security professionals may struggle to take the measures that would truly benefit their security long-term.

Although it depends largely on bandwidth and budget, business leaders need realistic plans to scale their data security capabilities and align it with their business plans.

Missing security patches or up scaling the infrastructure with data security tools

Missing security patches may seem like a small issue, but even these small gaps can have large repercussions. By publishing security patches, it enables enterprises to identify vulnerabilities which allows data security tools to provide the bigger picture of where and how data is moving across the enterprise level. In fact, delaying the installation of new security patches and implementing the data security tool will put organizations at risk.

Lack of email security

Without a doubt, ransomware is one of the largest threats facing organizations of all sizes. These days anyone can buy ransomware that is ready-made and launch their own attacks.

In 2022, the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report found that ransomware threats have risen by almost 13% - a rise as big as the last five years combined. According to Verizon’s 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report, 94% of malware is delivered to networks via email. In this context, companies would have to be outright irresponsible to ignore their email security strategies. Mere filtering of email spam is not enough. The threat landscape is now far more sophisticated. Email filters may have been developed to stop malicious messages from reaching your inbox, but cybercriminals have shifted to utilizing attachments to launch malware on devices and networks.

Given the sheer volume of emails traveling to, from, and within an organization in a day, this is an issue that can quickly escalate. For instance, a simple Microsoft Office macro could bring down the entire network. Studies have also shown that over 20% of malware is delivered via attachment.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) threats

With BYOD becoming increasingly popular and even necessary for remote work, businesses must take effective measures to ensure their security. However, many business leaders do not appreciate the unique threats that a BYOD environment can invite into their organizations and rightly so.

By taking a few simple steps, organizations can better protect business networks from threats related to BYOD. Some of these steps can be deployed as policies that are based in role-based access, enabled with two-factor authentication and supported by access controls which are continuously updated. Furthermore, ensuring strong employee password practices and establishing an exit process to clear ex-employee devices of company data must be made mandatory.

Schedule a call with us today to meet all your data security and compliance requirements. Our team of specialists will be happy to explain our processes. Allow us to help you develop a security strategy tailored to suit your business needs.

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