Empowering enterprises with targeted data security | HCLTech

Empowering enterprises with targeted data security

February 06, 2023
Mageshkumar Aadhinathan


Mageshkumar Aadhinathan
Senior Consultant, CS and GRC Services
February 06, 2023

Data security software comes in many shapes and sizes. These tools and software are designed to cater to multiple kinds of data – from individual messages to entire databases. All companies, regardless of size, should take data security very seriously and do their best to make sure data stored in every corner of their network is secure. A breach of valuable information can hurt the business, the client and the brand name in the long-term. This could result in no individual trusting a company that was associated with a data security leak in the past.

It is vital that businesses chart their security vulnerabilities, and present security options to determine where their security could be strengthened. Every department should store information in a protected state, and constantly modernize their security protocol as new threat factors arise. Many countries may not have data privacy laws and regulations, but information security should remain a priority for the organization, regardless of geography.

The main advantages of data security software are:

  • Decreased risk of data loss.
  • Enhanced prevention of data breaches and theft.
  • Improved privilege allocation and user governance.
  • Reduced risk of data loss and noncompliance.

Many countries may not have data privacy laws and regulations, but information security should remain a priority for the organization, regardless of geography.

Why improving data security is a must?

This question may seem obvious as every company is expected to do all they can to secure their sensitive information. In lieu of this, the more accurate question should be “Why should we improve data security?”. Here are a few reasons why data security software is necessary to fortify security measures and improve security operations:

  1. Secure private data — This sensitive information can be easily stolen and sold online or held at for ransom by various threat actors. Many breaches are facilitated by a company’s own employees or emerge as a result of poor passwords or an insecure authentication process. A data security tool steps in and can improve the preliminary walls of defense, blocking these parties from acquiring a company’s vulnerable/private information. They can also help businesses implement systems to lessen the severity of incidents as and when they occur and streamline the recovery process once a breach has occurred.
  2. Preventing data loss — Data loss can be devastating for a business and particularly harmful for customers. Tools used for data security can enhance both the prevention, and recovery practices used in the case of data breaches. Additionally, they must monitor user activity or vulnerabilities, detect invasions, and mitigate problems.
  3. Ensuring compliance — Federal and international regulations already exist and are continuously expanding guidelines for the storage of sensitive information. Most industries already handling valuable data such as social security numbers or bank accounts, also have industry-specified security and compliance guidelines. As such keeping up with and adhering to compliance requirements is not a simple feat. Data security tools can streamline compliance management and guarantee that baseline standards are met.

Different types of data security software

Data security should always be an important concern for a business. We see large companies, small organizations, and individuals under attack every day by malicious hackers. Proper security measures like password management, securing endpoints, and maintaining user governance are a must. Additionally, certain tools exist specifically for data protection. They are:

  1. General data security — All files on Data Security Software is encrypted which allows only approved parties access to private information regarding their business, employees, and customers. Access control is granted to mangers and admin so that they can perform security tests and audit the existing security measures. The databases can also store encrypted backups in case of sudden loss or corruption.
  2. Mobile data security — Mobile data security software offers comparable features but includes improved security for mobile devices, in terms of communication, and authentication. Mobile application management may also be included so as to ensure that standards are sustained, and malevolent software applications are blocked.
  3. Database security — Database security keeps malicious parties from gain access to company databases and guarantees that the data is protected by a robust firewall, encryption, and other security methods.
  4. Data loss prevention (DLP) — This technology is used for three key reasons: securing data, preserving backups, and guaranteeing compliance. These tools help companies determine measures to store data in the appropriate way and create a plan of action in case of any breaches of attacks.
  5. Identity management software — Identity management software can have many avatars. Some tools help to keep track of customers and other users, some control access for business-critical users and information. Still more tools can help to safeguard the practice of maintaining strong passwords and keeping software up to date.
  6. Encryption — Encryption tools are simply general encryption technology to mask information that only approved users can decipher. There are a few different kinds of encryption technologies with different use cases - from secure communications to anonymous web browsing.
  7. Data masking software — Data masking technology operates in a similar manner, preventing sensitive information from being visible to the public. They differ in that they are traditionally disguising information with random symbols or characters, rather than using full cryptographic algorithms.

Key features of data security software

  • Sensitive data compliance — Supports compliance with PII, GDPR, HIPAA, PCI, and other regulatory standards.
  • Two-factor authentication — Two-factor, or multi-factor authentication requires a second level of authentication such as SMS messaging or customized tokens to access data.
  • Database management — Administrators can access and organize data related to incidents to produce reports or make data more navigable.
  • Deduplication — Eliminating duplicate or redundant data and creating synthetic backup files to reduce file size.
  • DLP configuration — Sets protocols to alert administrators, and back up or encrypt data at rest or as incidents arise.
  • At-risk analysis — Identifies location of data that may be less protected and more vulnerable to threats.
  • Access management — Allows administrators to set user access privileges to permit approved parties to access sensitive data.
  • Mobile VPN — Provides a virtual private network (VPN) to secure remote connection to networks when accessing sensitive data from a mobile device.
  • Secure data transport — Protects data with some form of encryption as it leaves your secure or local network.
  • Data types — Allows the secure storage of different information types such as text, spreadsheets, or graphics.
  • Database support — Supports different database platforms and data types. Often integrates with existing databases.
  • Audits — Performs ad-hoc or ongoing IT audits at different levels of the company.
  • Antivirus/Malware detection — Provides multiple techniques and information sources to alert users of malware occurrences.
  • Data masking — Protects sensitive data by disguising or encrypting data, making it accessible to the organization and approved parties.
  • Database firewall — Protects database and sensitive information from a variety of attacks and malware threats.
  • Logging and reporting — Provides required reports to manage business. Provides adequate logging to troubleshoot and support auditing.

HCLTech can help align your digital transformation goals with your business needs so you can achieve optimal growth and unbridled innovation.

Schedule a call with us today and let us help you adopt a proactive posture for all your data security and compliance needs. Our team of specialists will be happy to support you in your endeavors, explain our offerings, and help you develop a strategy specifically tailored to your business.

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