New Horizons in Root Cause Analysis | HCLTech

New horizons in root cause analysis

Learn about core concepts of root cause analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular tools and techniques in the field and find out what the cutting edge looks like.
August 27, 2024
August 27, 2024
New Horizons in Root Cause Analysis

When faced with critical questions beginning with “why”, businesses find themselves dealing with matters of causality.

Causality as a field of study is the pursuit of root causes and causal relationships, trying to identify the connection between different factors and explaining certain anomalies or changes. It helps provide a scientific, data-driven basis for decision-making, enables impact evaluation and, among others, promotes the successful introduction of products and processes.

Get this whitepaper to

  • get a firm grip on the basics of causality analysis;
  • understand the most prominent causality methods, their limitations
    and drawbacks;
  • learn about the DoWhy library and how it unlocks unparalleled power for causality analysis.
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