Cloud migration in pharmacovigilance | HCLTech

Cloud migration in pharmacovigilance

This whitepaper talks about how pharmacovigilance (PV) plays a vital role to ensure the safety profile of a drug and strengthen patient care at large.
August 12, 2024
August 12, 2024
Cloud migration in pharmacovigilance

Cloud migration in pharmacovigilance (PV) hold transformational capacity within the pharmaceutical industry. PV departments, crucial for ensuring drug safety and patient care, face numerous challenges including increasing case volumes, regulatory compliance and limited resources. Legacy on-premises applications can enhance these issues by increasing costs and complicating accessibility, user experience, performance, data security and compatibility. Cloud offers scalable, cost-effective, data-secure and privacy-compliant solutions to overcome these challenges, with over 70% of companies having migrated some workloads to the public cloud.

This whitepaper shares insights into various service models and deployment models used by PV departments. It emphasizes the importance of aligning cloud strategies with enterprise IT strategies to enhance efficiency, reduce costs and streamline processes. It also addresses key considerations for cloud adoption, including data privacy, security and the shift from Capex to Opex, providing a comprehensive guide for PV departments considering cloud migration.

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