How can a Digital Workplace enhance employee experience? | HCLTech

How can a Digital Workplace enhance employee experience?

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Digital workplaces are aimed at improving the quality of work life, making it easier and more efficient. Digital workplace tools improve employee experiences.
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Digital workplaces are aimed at improving the quality of work life, making it easier and more efficient.  Digital workplace tools improve employee experiences (through user experience design), enhance their productivity and utilization, equipping them to work from anywhere, any device, anytime, across geographies and allowing them to connect, collaborate, and communicate. These tools canalso foster a strong sense of culture and community within workplace through harnessing the power of technology. Depending on job roles, personas, and industries, the digital workplace tools need to be tailored accordingly to suit the unique needs of the workforce.

HCLTech’s Digital Workplace solutions enable enterprises to build a “Fluid Workplace” that is hyper-personalized, agile, adaptive, empathetic, human-centric, inclusive, and resilient, delivering a seamless experience to your workforce anywhere, anytime, and on any device. Here are some key HCLTech digital workplace solutions and tools that help enhance employee experience:

HCLTech WorkBlazeTM:

WorkBlazeTM is our digital end-user experience monitoring tool equipped with AIOps and real-time workplace analytics.It spots trends, correlates and remediates issuesbefore they are widespread, and gathers contextual user feedback to enhance employee experience and productivity. It provides a unique User Experience Index (UEI) across devices, applications, and networks to bring proactivity in the ecosystem and reduce the IT-user gap.


LibreSpace is HCLTech’s fully managed, end-to-end workplace virtualization solution that empowers users with intelligent workspaces. As a holistic solution, LibreSpace delivers an anywhere, anytime, and any device, “digital workplace as a Service” experience and offers a truly hybrid (public/private cloud-hosted and/or on-premises), scalable solution in flexible consumption models.

DRYiCE OptiBot:

DRYiCE OptiBot is a digital workplace optimization and automated end-user enablement product that enhances UX (user experience) and makes work life simpler while reducing the burden on IT. OptiBot resolves commonly occurring IT issues pre-emptively and swiftly through unassisted automation and presents employees with a catalog of one-click solutions and various self-help features for quicker remediation. It detects, diagnoses, and resolves device and application issues, resulting in a more proactive approach to incident management and increased IT productivity.

To learn more on how we can enable world class digital workplace tools for your business, visit

HCLTech’s Workplace eXperience Consulting (WXC), a consulting practice within its Digital Workplace business unit, complements HCLTech’s extensive technical knowhow and provides clients with support in designing and delivering user-centric digital transformations, that lead to an enhanced quality of workplace experience (WX), benefits realization, and ROI.

WXC focusses on designing and delivering user centric WX to enable and empower employees to be engaged, productive, and adopt the new ways of working with help of tools introduced by digital workplace transformation initiatives. Know more:

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