Toy Company Transforms Operations with Gen AI & HCLTech | HCLTech

Leading global toy company overcomes manual legacy systems to transform operations

Revitalizing operations using GenAI in collaboration with HCLTech’s CTO office
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4 minutes read

A globally recognized toy and entertainment company, renowned for iconic brands beloved amongst children and families worldwide, joined forces with HCLTech to embark on a transformative journey. Facing the dual challenge of modernizing legacy processes and amplifying its capacity for rapid ideation and execution, the partnership aimed to reshape the company’s approach to innovation, collaboration and service delivery — setting new benchmarks for efficiency and growth in the toy industry.

The Challenge

Overcoming inefficiency and stagnation

Our client, a premier entity in the toy manufacturing sector, was confronted with a crucial mission: to shatter the status quo in delivery execution and to amplify the rate of new ideas to enhance return on investment (ROI). The client, holding a rich heritage of creativity, was being hindered by:

  • Laborious and slow processing of millions of documents, which was causing operational drag
  • Dependability on employees to manually submit IT Service Management (ITSM) requests, heavily impacting efficiency and responsiveness
The challenges

These issues not only hampered employee productivity, but also delayed the client’s agility to respond to market shifts and customer demands.

The Objective

Charting a course for transformation and growth

The company aimed to achieve enhanced operational efficiency by modernizing various crucial elements of their business. They pursued a partnership with HCLTech to bring innovative solutions and a transformative approach to bolster its position as a market leader. The objectives included:

  • Implementing use cases to augment efficiency
  • Building a robust partner alliance to co-develop Proof of Concepts (PoCs)
  • Enhancing the employee experience by automating requests
  • Leveraging GenAI in IT sustainment services to improve quality and reduce costs
  • Redefining the IT operating model to better serve business objectives
Leading global toy company overcomes manual legacy systems to transform operations

The Solution

Tailored strategies for tomorrow's success

HCLTech implemented a multi-pronged strategy to propel the client’s ambitions through close collaboration with the CTO office. Key initiatives included:

  • Integration of AI-driven tools: The deployment of an intelligent document management system and a GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)-powered conversational Chatbot, as well as enhanced image generation for key products using generative AI
  • Strategic partner alliances: Exploring advanced platforms such as Vertex.AI and Copilot Studio and automating iOS upgrades and environment patching with Red Hat's Ansible and enhancing data quality with Collibra
  • Empowering employees through automation: Introduction of "MattBot," a generalized name to mask the specific ITSM chatbot, for handling software and hardware requests, notification delivery and password resets – drastically cutting employee wait times and improving productivity
  • Adoption of GenAI in IT: Fast-tracking test execution and maintenance through AI-generated test data and scripts, code generation and refactoring and troubleshooting support with a conversational AI assistant
  • IT operating model overhaul: Standardization of IT service delivery through SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework), Agile transformation and application of best practices from HCLTech’s extensive engagement history

The Impact

Achieving breakthrough performance and innovation

In collaboration with the CTO office, HCLTech’s initiatives have produced a significant and measurable turnaround in processes and operations:

  • AI-driven document management: Transitioned from manual handling to intelligent, AI-powered systems, significantly reducing processing time and errors
  • Automated ITSM requests: Achieved a successful reduction in ITSM request turnaround through automation, curbing the manual efforts of employees
  • Strategic partner alliances: Established powerful collaborations that have resulted in advanced PoC developments, setting new benchmarks
  • Generative AI adoption: Catalyzed IT development by integrating GenAI for test data generation and maintenance support, enhancing productivity and cutting costs
  • Transformative IT operations: Redefined the IT operating model with a focus on business alignment, accelerated service delivery and increased organizational agility

This strategic reinvention has not only delivered immediate benefits, but also solidified the client’s capacity for sustained growth and innovation. It is a testament to the far-reaching impact of embracing future-facing technologies and robust, scalable solutions.