Leading agribusiness on a transformative ecommerce and D2C journey | HCLTech

Leading agribusiness on a transformative ecommerce and D2C journey

HCLTech assisted a poultry company to quickly implement a safe and seamless shopping experience
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5 min read

Our client, a premier agribusiness known in the United States for its comprehensive range of high-quality poultry products faced an urgent need to pivot to D2C (direct-to-consumer sales). This family-owned entity with a legacy spanning over a century partnered with HCLTech to leverage cutting-edge technology solutions to modernize processes, improve product tracking and elevate the consumer experience, affirming the client's commitment to quality and sustainability in the agricultural sector.

The Challenge

New sales model brought forth roadblocks

The client faced a significant challenge rapidly adapting to a new D2C sales model amidst the pandemic. They faced certain roadblocks including:

The Challenge
  • Sudden and unprepared shift: An immediate response to changing consumer behaviors, this move was not originally part of the client’s annual budget or strategic plan. The urgency to implement this shift demanded quick action outside their usual planning cycles. This situation highlighted the need for agility and flexibility in operations that were not previously required at such short notice.
  • Resource allocation: Our client wanted to redirect resources efficiently to support the unexpected strategic shift, ensuring minimal disruption to other ongoing operations.
  • Making the move permanent: They wanted to ensure the rapid introduction of new sales channels could be sustained beyond the immediate pandemic response, integrating these changes into the longer-term business model.

The Objective

through a comprehensive strategy

Leveraging our longstanding relationship and deep understanding of their operations, the client entrusted HCLTech to implement this strategy quickly and efficiently. They required a comprehensive solution that included managing all aspects of order-by-phone. From handling initial inquiries, processing refunds and reshipments to addressing billing questions.

To ensure the effectiveness and monitor the performance of this new sales channel, the client also requested detailed weekly reports. These reports were to cover several key metrics and operational insights:

  • The ratio of “where is my order” inquiries to the total number of orders
  • The proportion of all order-related questions to the total number of orders
  • Data on abandoned phone orders, noting specifics such as changes of mind due to shipping costs
  • Issues and queries concerning promotional codes
  • Detailed information on cancellations, refunds and summaries of complaints, including issues like carrier delays or packaging problems

The client sought the necessary infrastructure to support their short-term response, as well as offer valuable consumer insights to refine long-term strategic decisions.


The Solution

Expertise and innovation in high-volume phone order management

This strategic alliance is backed by a strong relationship with the client for more than two decades. The solution delivered involved meticulous planning and validation processes to ensure success and efficacy:

The Solution
  • Validation and planning: We engaged in a detailed assessment to estimate the initial volume of inbound phone orders accurately, considering various factors, including expected call volumes and the optimal hours of operation to maximize phone order intake. Following the launch, we closely monitored actual call data, including the volume of inquiries, arrival patterns and the impact of weekly print advertisements. This real-time data allowed us to dynamically adjust our staffing levels and operational strategies.
  • Comprehensive service solutions: Our team was tasked with managing an estimated 10,000 phone orders annually, which constituted about 10-25% of the overall order volume each month, varying with the nature and reach of specific advertising campaigns.
  • Uncompromised security measures: Through strict adherence to security protocols, we ensured the safeguarding of sensitive customer data, especially regarding the handling of consumer credit information, thereby maintaining trust and compliance.

The Impact

Enhanced security, strategic and operational excellence 

The implementation of this initiative resulted in significant impacts across several key areas for our client:

The Impact
  • Operational excellence: Through collaborated efforts, we achieved real-time adjustment of operational metrics based on customer behaviors and marketing impacts, representing a highly dynamic and responsive operating model.
  • Strategic gains: The project provided crucial consumer insights that informed and shaped long-term strategic frameworks, enhancing our ability to plan and execute future strategies effectively.
  • Security and compliance: Our R&C and IT teams successfully implemented stringent data protection measures to safeguard consumer credit card details, maintaining our reputation for high security and compliance even during rapid project rollouts.

The project's success has laid the groundwork for further enhancements. We plan to integrate automated updates for order statuses and synchronize with the ecommerce platform. The future directs toward scaling up a more automated and transparent order system and real-time inventory synchronization.