Climate Risk Assessment Solution | HCLTech

A multinational banking and financial services organization and HCLTech collaborated to create climate risk assessment solution that embeds into their current credit system for corporate lending.

The financial firm was looking for sustainable finance framework to manage investments in green buildings and social lending (SME lending, microfinance) to support the transition, and a sustainable bond framework. They partnered with HCLTech for CRA initiative that transform the existing manual processes into a workflow-based automated process.

The key aspects of the solution include:

  • High-end functionality to fetch client details from information system
  • Leverage questionnaires to determine the client's exposure to climate risk
  • Scoring matrix to calculate the answers and provide overall score and BRAG (Black, Red, Amber, Green) Status

Explore the details of the challenges faced by the financial services firm in creating the framework and how HCLTech approached the solution. Get your copy now and contact us for more information.

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