How to prepare for a tech job with HCLTech | HCLTech

How to prepare for a tech job with HCLTech

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HCLTech Campus Hiring


HCLTech Campus Hiring
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Not that long ago, a young and upcoming college graduate (maybe someone like you) was looking to kickstart a career in IT. “I knew I wanted a company where I could contribute, and most importantly, I was interested in the work culture,” said this HCLTech hire.

This article shares the experiences and advice that helped this recruit land a job and launch a tech career in IT at HCLTech.

Campus placement had role in landing HCLTech job

For many HCLTech new hires, their first encounters with the global company are through colleges and universities, and that was the case for this recruit. He had no prior contacts at the company.

Instead, “I came to know about an off-campus drive from the Training and Placement Office of our college. I enrolled myself for that drive using a registration link from HCLTech.”

Tip: How to prepare for your own tech career

New hires can find themselves in a variety of tech-related jobs once they commit to HCLTech. Solution architect, business analyst and other roles launch new hires on rewarding tech careers here.

In this case, a unique background, education, and other experiences prepared our new hire to launch his promising tech career at HCLTech. “I come from an electrical engineering background, and I studied C language during the first year of my college period. When I was in the final year of college, I decided to switch paths and learn programming languages and technologies,” he said.

“Coursera has helped me a lot in this. I learned and built my skills using that platform. Even after joining HCL, when I switched from Angular to GCP, I opted for a course from Coursera on Google Cloud Computing recommended by my manager.”

Advice on preparing for technical interviews

He also turned to several tools and techniques to prepare himself for the move into tech as a career. “Because of my electrical background, I started preparing for technical interviews and coding rounds, and for that I opted to go with PYTHON as my first programming language. Coursera was my first choice of a learning platform, and I upskilled myself in Python, AI and basics of ML from there.”



AI and ML are good skills to develop for a technology career today.



As the early success of this new employee shows, AI and ML are good skills to develop for a technology career today. Countless business applications depend on these technologies, and new innovations come out constantly. There's high demand for skills to put these technologies to work in interesting ways for customers in many industries.

The AI job market looks especially promising. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expects computer science and information technology employment to grow 11% from 2019 to 2029, adding hundreds of thousands of new jobs in the industry. According to the World Economic Forum, AI and machine learning specialists are second among jobs with growing market demand. AI roles will not only expand in terms of volume, but also diversity. Tech talent will be needed at all levels at HCLTech.

Tip: Look for attractive work culture and training sessions

HCLTech wasn’t the only opportunity in front of this young professional, but as he learned more about the company, a few things quickly stood out: the working culture and the training sessions.

“I had two more opportunities apart from HCLTech, but I chose to go with HCLTech as I came to know about the ‘employee first’ work culture. Also the quality of training and career grooming that HCLTech provides to new joiners is far better than the rest, which really helped me afterwards.”

There was one person whose opinion ultimately held priority when it came to seeking advice. “My father,” said the young man. “He is my inspiration, and his guidance held a major role in my opting for HCLTech.”

Tip: Find employer who acknowledges employee concerns

Hands-on experience with trending innovation is a desirable situation in a new tech career, but this young tech professional had firm ideas about other important things to look for in an employer and in the job itself.

Things like civic responsibility, environmental practices, diversity, and inclusion were among the most important factors in the decision to choose HCLTech as his first employer. In fact, he said those practices accounted for as much as 90% of his choice.

In addition, “An employer should acknowledge the employees’ work and concerns,” he explained. “As far as job role is concerned, I look for one where I will be able to contribute through my skills, as well as get a chance to learn something new, so I can upskill myself.” He found it all with HCLTech.

Support for new hires makes HCLTech stand out

All graduates and employees come uniquely prepared for their roles at HCLTech. That’s one thing that makes a career here so appealing – everyone gets off to a good start.


At HCLTech, everyone gets off to a good start.


When young tech professionals like to always be in learning mode, a culture like HCLTech is a great fit. Let’s start a conversation here.

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