Generative AI in the Workplace: the Co-worker of Tomorrow, Here Today | HCLTech

Generative AI in the workplace: The coworker of tomorrow, here today

GenAI is at the heart of this transformation with the new copilot approach in the workplace, driving a profound shift that is fundamentally empowering the workforce like never before.
April 15, 2024
April 15, 2024
Generative AI


In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace, a quiet revolution is underway, one that promises to redefine not only how we work but also how we think about work itself. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the heart of this transformation with the new co-pilot approach at workplace, driving a profound shift that is fundamentally altering the dynamics of organizations and empowering the workforce like never before.

However, some enterprises are cautious about sharing proprietary information with GenAI models. Moreover, there is an urgent need for governance models and adoption frameworks to help decision-makers handle the complexities of GenAI adoption.

To explore this more, HCLTech sponsored a whitepaper with Everest Group. Download it to learn more about our findings.

Key Highlights from this Report

  • 62% of executives say GenAI will disrupt how their organization designs experiences
  • 55% of CXOs believe that improving value realization is the topmost priority in 2024
  • 35% more chat-based issues can be resolved per hour by GenAI-enabled agents
  • 10%-20% improvement in productivity is experienced by enterprises through various GenAI use cases and platforms

GenAI's Power across Workplace Domains

GenAI's Power across Workplace Domains

  • Service desk – Boosting employee performance through use cases on automatic anomaly detection and real-time knowledge article recommendations
  • Unified communication and collaboration – Identifying collaboration patterns, auto scheduling regular meetings, contributing to better engagement, implementing cognitive search optimization and streamlining workflows
  • Asset management – Maintaining accuracy in Configuration Management Database (CMDB) and predicting and preventing breakdowns by leveraging IoT-based connected equipment data
  • Field support – Customizing predictive equipment maintenance through deep AI and optimizing scheduling for faster issue resolutions and enhanced employee satisfaction
  • Workplace security – Accelerating learning and upskilling talent for better cybersecurity and improving Mean Time to Detect and Discover (MTTD) and Mean Time to Restore (MTTR)

Future of Work Is Fluid

To embrace the new ways of working in the modern digital workplace, enterprises must move beyond the boundaries of the traditional landscape and adopt new technologies. HCLTech Fluid Workplace helps businesses create a highly customized, adaptive and resilient workplace that provides a seamless user experience for their employees, wherever they are on any device at any time. GenAI has the potential to transform the entire workplace landscape, with three distinct areas of potential transformation: increasing user productivity, enhancing agent productivity and improving the enterprise experience for employees and clients alike.

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