Cracking the code for a secure hybrid workplace | HCLTech

Are you looking for an adventure?
The Challenge:

How do you come back fighting, when your organization has suffered a serious data breach? As CEO, you are responsible for restoring the public’s trust in your company and rebuilding your brand reputation by enabling a secure hybrid workplace in your organization. The journey ahead will not be without challenges as you try to balance the different and sometimes conflicting agendas of your Executive Board members.

Are you ready?

Request your copy of this whitepaper to follow the daunting adventure that lies ahead.

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Demystifying the security, digital and people-specific requirements of the hybrid workplace

Enterprises are rapidly investing in enabling hybrid workplaces and empowering flexible workforces. However, such a transformation involves a thorough evaluation of its implication across three key pillars: the security environment, the digital landscape and, most significantly, the employees.

How can organizations tackle this crucial challenge and find the right balance between the three pillars?