Building future-ready enterprises with automation | HCLTech
Leveraging Hyper-intelligent Automation (HIA)
Join forces with Automation Anywhere

Building future-ready enterprises
with automation

Today’s economy is governed by digitalization as a precursor of growth. Future-ready enterprises function on a scalable, predictive, and experiential outcome-based model, with a foundation of Hyper-intelligent Automation (HIA)

In this perspective by Automation Anywhere and HCLTech, the authors share insights on the potential of HIA as a driver for process transformation across enterprises and industries to capture performance gains and deliver elevated customer and employee experience.

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Steps to fast-track your automation implementation journey

Being future-ready can enable enterprises to gain sustainable competitive advantage. To do that, these enterprises need to adopt a structured implementation methodology based on the considerations below:

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Executive focus from the leadership

ROI based on total cost of ownership licensing, and support

Enterprises must identify all plausible conditions and risks leading to extended processes

Metrics to be related to performance of bots and actual business

Having a Hyper-intelligent Automation first approach
