What is cloud computing? What services are offered? | HCLTech

What is cloud computing? What are the services offered?

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Cloud Computing is a process of delivering/enabling scalable, expandable and almost perfectly elastic software services using internet technologies. It is a method of delivering Software as a Service (SaaS), delivered in a pay-per-use basis.
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Cloud Computing is a process of delivering/enabling scalable, expandable and almost perfectly elastic software services using internet technologies. It is a method of delivering Software as a Service (SaaS), delivered in a pay-per-use basis. It provides self service capabilities to users with scalable features to increase usage on requirement.

The various cloud based services commonly offered are:

  • Web Based Cloud Computing: Companies use the functionality provided by web services and do not have to develop a full application for their needs.
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Organizations make use of the unlimited storage potential of the cloud infrastructure. They can expand and shrink their storage space as needed without having to worry about dedicated servers on site.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): It allows people to access the functionality of a particular software without worrying about storage or other issues.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): Companies can run their applications on the cloud service’s platform without having to worry about maintaining hard drives and servers.
  • Utility Services: Companies that need to store a lot of data can store all of their data remotely and can even create a virtual data center.
  • Managed Services: These are applications used by the cloud service providers, such as anti-spam service.
  • Service Commerce: It is the creation of a hub of applications that can be used by an organisation’s members. It provides organisations the applications they need along with the services they desire.
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