Overcoming Infrastructure Challenges for Next-Gen Solutions
AI adoption is growing, but infrastructure challenges like data management and costs hinder progress. Prioritizing use cases and modular systems helps businesses unlock AI's full potential.
Protecting data in the digital era
The digital revolution has driven enterprises to embrace cloud adoption, creating interconnected systems and data networks.
Future-proofing government: Driving user-focused change with technology
HCLTech and GovNet Technology recently hosted a breakfast briefing in the House of Lords with central and local UK government, discussing how technology can drive change in the public sector
The next-gen technologies shaping safe smart cities
AI, IoT, 5G, Wi-Fi-6 and cloud are creating an interconnected sustainable ecosystem to drive public safety and better governance in smart cities
The future frontline workforce: Empowered by technology
Often overlooked, organizations are now looking to empower frontline workers with IT and technology transformation
The rise in the adoption of quantum computing
How are organizations and governments embracing quantum computing to stay ahead in the digital race?
U.S. government announces new cybersecurity strategy
The newest federal cybersecurity strategy shifts the responsibility of reducing cybersecurity risks from the individual to the organizations with capabilities of doing so
Quantum tech: Complexity, security, intelligence – Innovation’s next frontier
In 2024, quantum technology promises to leap forward with quantum machine learning transforming computation and quantum cryptography securing digital communication against evolving threats
A software-defined future: The automotive industry shifts gears
As technologies evolve and consumer needs shift, the automotive industry is grappling with large-scale transformations altering the industry
Mitigating the impact of climate change and natural disasters with technology
With record-breaking heatwaves and unprecedented flooding, it’s time to turn to technology to mitigate the impact of these natural threats
Crossing the digital divide and equalizing the force of technology
The digital divide is a growing chasm that must be addressed by governments and private organizations for a more equitable future
Tech Trends 2023 – Business and Industry Edition
The HCLTech Brand and Thought Leadership unit provides perspectives on top technology trends for businesses and industries to watch out for in the year ahead