Database Activity Monitoring: IBM Security Guardium | HCLTech


The digital revolution drives enterprises towards cloud adoption, fostering interconnected systems and data networks. While this integration offers agility and efficiency, it also poses security challenges. The focus shifts from thwarting unauthorized access to ensuring accountability for every user action across data environments. Databases become prime targets for cybercriminals, aiming to exploit vulnerabilities, steal sensitive information and disrupt operations. Staying vigilant, implementing robust security measures and updating defense strategies are crucial in cloud and on-premises environments.

HCLTech fortifies database security with Database Activity Monitoring (DBAM), integrating IBM Security Guardium to provide customers with comprehensive 360-degree protection.

Database Activity Monitoring

Key Security Challenges

Data security blind spots
Data security blind spots

Organizations grapple with hidden vulnerabilities in data security, such as undiscovered issues in network setups, application interfaces or user access controls, which may go unnoticed until exploited.

Patching dilemma
Patching dilemma

Organizations often struggle with timely patch management, leaving systems vulnerable to known threats. Balancing regular updates with operational needs is an ongoing challenge for maintaining IT security.

Lack of security plans
Lack of security plans

Without a well-defined and implemented security strategy, businesses are more susceptible to various threats, including unauthorized access, data breaches and other malicious activities.

Database vulnerabilities
Database vulnerabilities

Databases house a wealth of sensitive information, making them prime targets for cyber threats. Organizations often contend with database vulnerabilities stemming from misconfigurations, weak access controls or outdated Software.

Regulatory compliance
Regulatory compliance

Industries face ongoing challenges in complying with data protection regulations like GDPR, SOX, etc.

Insider threats
Insider threats

Employee actions, whether intentional or not, can result in data breaches. Robust user access controls and monitoring are essential to prevent unintentional compromises to security.

Dispersed data
Dispersed data

Sensitive information, if stored in hundreds of different database columns, makes it extremely difficult to conduct column-level monitoring or Encryption.

Legacy systems and infrastructure
Legacy systems and infrastructure

Outdated systems struggle against modern cyber threats, making it challenging and costly to upgrade or secure legacy systems due to compatibility issues.

Key differentiators against competition

GenAI-powered proactive security controls
GenAI-powered proactive security controls
Connected data security with automation
Connected data security with automation
Simplified compliance, auditing and reporting with enhanced governance mechanisms
Simplified compliance, auditing and reporting with enhanced governance mechanisms
Cost-effective subscription licensing via MSSP pricing model
Cost-effective subscription licensing via MSSP pricing model
Certified IBM Guardium experts for consulting, implementation and ongoing database security support
Certified IBM Guardium experts for consulting, implementation and ongoing database security support