Does effective communication matter in the workplace? | HCLTech

Does effective communication matter in the workplace?

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it was found that communication barriers cost an estimated $37 billion per year in lost productivity. This makes a clear case of why effective communication is important at the workplace.
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Gartner’s research showed that 70% of the company’s mistakes are due to poor communication. In a survey of 400 corporations, it was found that communication barriers cost an estimated $37 billion per year in lost productivity. This makes a clear case of why effective communication is important at the workplace. In fact, conflict management, employee engagement and productivity, client relationships, and project collaborationall have one common underlying success factor—effective communication.

Workplace conflicts mostly occur due to misunderstanding or not understanding how to communicate. Effective communication training helps resolve this by ensuring that the“message is sent and received accurately.” A powerful outcome of effective communication is engaged employees. The more engaged the employees are, the easier it becomes for them to align with business goals and perform optimally.

Employees who believe that managers are really listening to them are almost fivetimes more likely to be enthusiastic and 21 times more likely to feel loyal to their company.

At HCLTech, we truly understand the importance and benefits of unified communication and collaboration.With globalization, a deep shift in our ways of working, and the emerging threat landscape, secure, agile, and dynamic services for collaboration and email management are needed more than ever. Enterprises face complications while managing a messaging solution in-house— storage limitations, spam, and high expenses. HCLTech’s Digital Workplace solutions offer messaging and collaboration services that help overcome these challenges and are tailored to an organization’s specific business objectives.

HCLTech’s suite of Messaging and Collaboration Services includes:

  • Profile KaleidoscopeTM, a messaging and collaboration solution which is tailored to user profiles
  • Design and migration services, which enable upgrades to the latest platforms covering the entire infrastructure lifecycle from assessment, design, and migration to post-migration support
  • Cloud evaluation for workloads to propose the right hybrid solution which fits the commercial and technical requirements
  • Email communication management, which is an Office 365 offering, comprising an Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)-based MaaS (Messaging as a Service) solution

It should be noted that the latter solution provides customers with the complete Microsoft Exchange email environment. It is hosted locally in HCLTech’s data centers, which are SAS 70-complaint and have controls and safeguards in place to host and process data related to the customer base.

In addition to these messaging and digital workplace collaboration services, HCLTech provides professional services on messaging and collaboration tools and platforms like IBM Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange:

  • Email and IM Operations: Includes activities which help monitor and manage the existing email collaboration environment
  • Collaboration Services: Comprises instant messaging support, implementation, MS SharePoint, and Yammer
  • Platform Migration: Includes planning, designing, and migrating the existing environment to the latest version
  • Hosted Messaging Solution: Includes the entire messaging stack from hardware, hosting, operations to maintenance, owned by HCLTech

By partnering with HCLTech for email management services and collaboration tools, customers achieve increased productivity, deployment flexibility, increased operational efficiency, and cost optimization. Learn more here

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