Utility for Everything (U4X) Solutions - XaaS-enabled | HCLTech

HCLTech's Utility for Everything (U4X): Pioneering Digital Transformation through Flexible Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS)

In today's ever-evolving technology landscape, the most resilient businesses rely on the availability of agile and need-based consumption models for their IT spending. With the advent of the 'everything-as-a-service' (XaaS) model in this context, organizations are now looking to digitally transform by leveraging the best of both cloud and on-premises infrastructure models that adhere to flexible consumption principles.

HCLTech's U4X model delivers on both. It offers an XaaS platform for enterprises of all scales that ensure cloud-like flexibility using a pay-per-use model with infrastructure, software and services that can be used for a variety of use cases and business needs across the organization.

With U4X, you pay for only the compute, storage, security and network resources your business consumes, empowering you to match your expenditures with actual usages for greater operational cost efficiencies. It also combines the agility and scalability of the cloud with the control, performance and security of on-prem. It's truly the best of all worlds.

Everything-as-a-service (XaaS)


XaaS Framework Diagram

Standard definitions:

Deployed capacity
Total capacity/volume/nodes provisioned. This combines Committed and Variable Capacity

Committed capacity
Min. base commit to start the subscription on Day 1. Billing happens on Committed capacity/volume/nodes

Variable capacity
The capacity/volume/nodes provisioned to provide flexibility up to 50% to the customer

Solutions and Services

Cost Savings

Cost Savings

No upfront investment and no cost incurred on Unutilized assets

Time savings

Time savings

No hasseles for immediate asset purchase in case of sudden demand

Actual usage

Actual usage

Billing happens as per actual resource utilization


Our U4X solution revolutionizes organizational efficiency by eliminating capital investments, reducing outflows, enhancing flexibility, and enabling for a true .

Eliminates large capital investments, capital lock-in and financial risks

Eliminates large capital investments, financial risks and reduces total cost of ownership through a shift to an OpEx model

Reduces the traditional outflows on Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) and warranties

Reduces the traditional outflows on Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) and warranties

Improved turnaround time for new business initiatives with the elimination of long procurement cycles

Improved turnaround time for new business initiatives with the elimination of long procurement cycles

Flexibility to scale up and down as needed

Flexibility to scale up and down as needed

Increased productivity and efficiency with technology advancements

Increased productivity and efficiency with technology advancements

Ease of contract termination and customizable options

Ease of contract termination and customizable options

Ability to choose and customize workload-based resources

Ability to choose and customize workload-based resources

Enables next-gen data centers equipped to deliver true hybrid cloud experiences

Enables next-gen data centers equipped to deliver true hybrid cloud experiences

Case Studies

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Explore a future with an all-new agile, responsive and cost-effective IT infrastructure.