Real-time In-store Insights (RII) Solution | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward


HCLTech Real-time In-store Insights (RII) leverages IoT to enable retailers to make intelligent, real-time decisions, transforming the retail space and co-creating personalized shopping experiences. Using radar-sensing and camera imaging, RII captures accurate demographics and real-time insights, employing distributed computing and AI to track key touchpoints.

The solution presents insights through web-based dashboards, facilitating swift tactical and strategic decision-making with retail insights, heat maps and trend reports. RII is scalable with minimal establishment costs, ensuring a high ROI and addresses shopper privacy concerns by operating independently of end-user devices.

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Highlights key retail touchpoints and in-store times, providing accurate footfall counts. Correlates with staffing and promotions, offering insights into queue management.

Provides visibility of real-time retail insights on web-based apps. Custom analytics and role-based access enhance accessibility.

Integrates seamlessly with existing ERP, CRM and PoS software. Correlates with inventory, sales, and profitability metrics for informed decision-making.

Features a global, adaptable solution with minimal requirements. Innovative radar technology ensures functionality in challenging conditions, operating independently of end-user devices.

Key Benefits

Redefine smart shopper

Redefine smart shopper

Create rich demographic sets correlated with seasonality and product listings using retail analytics to understand buying behavior better.

Optimize in-store operations

Optimize in-store operations

Redefine layout and staffing models to improve inventory turns based on footfall and purchase trends, optimizing operational costs comprehensively.

Turn Risks Into Opportunities

Personalize in-store experience

Track and enhance shopper-staff interactions at key touchpoints and design smart planograms to increase conversion rates, ensuring a personalized retail journey for each customer.

Faster And More Efficient Digital Operations

Scale and transform

Implement an easily scalable architecture for a high return on investment. Prioritize integration with Point of Sale (PoS) systems and loyalty programs to enhance customer retention.

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