Dynamic Ecosystem of Connected Devices Solution | HCLTech
Dynamic Ecosystem of Connected Devices


The HCLTech DECoDe solution is our cutting-edge platform that transforms device management by consolidating diverse devices for seamless IoT control through a unified dashboard. It dynamically integrates PaaS, OEM platforms and protocols, breaking data silos for a unique enterprise device ecosystem.

Leveraging advanced abstraction and templating, DECoDe easily adapts to multi-vendor environments. It introduces a standardized workflow, simplifying the onboarding and management of thousands of connected devices.



Effortlessly manage device lifecycles and asset families with precision

Monitor the IoT ecosystem in real time, offering insights at both individual and aggregate levels

Simplify device and platform management through a single, consolidated dashboard

Ensure IoT security with role-based access, robust authentication and authorization controls

Streamline device onboarding and management with a standardized workflow, featuring seamless integration with ServiceNow

Stay informed with timely alerts and notifications for proactive device management

Key Benefits

IoT management and security

IoT management and security

Consolidates device management and ensures secure and rapid IoT ecosystem scalability

Efficiency optimization

Efficiency optimization

Optimizes efficiency by reducing costs and downtimes improving first-time fix rates and inventory

Predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance

Utilizes predictive maintenance to manage, monitor and pre-empt downtimes in real time

User experience enhancement

User experience enhancement

Enhances user experience through role and facility-based access, customizable reports and alerts

Workflow standardization

Workflow standardization

Single point configuration through device templates with standardized workflows

Cloud integration

Cloud integration

Seamless integration across diverse clouds and platforms

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