Credit Rating
a.) ICRA Limited has re-affirmed its long-term rating [ICRA]AAA (Stable) and short-term rating [ICRA]A1+ to the Company in respect of its bank limits during the financial year under review.
b.) S&P Global Ratings (S&P) has assigned credit rating A-/Stable/-- to the Company, which is the Guarantor to the USD 500 million senior unsecured notes (“Notes”) issued by HCLTech America Inc., a stepdown wholly owned subsidiary of the Company incorporated under the laws of California. S&P has also assigned "A-" long-termissuer credit rating to HCLTech America Inc. with a stable outlook and "A-" long- term issue rating to the Notes.
c.) Fitch Ratings Limited (Fitch) has assigned long-term rating of A- with stable outlook. Fitch has also assigned long-term rating of A- to the USD 500 million senior unsecured notes issued by HCLTech America Inc., a step-down wholly owned subsidiary of the Company incorporated under the laws of California.