CS Week 2024 | Utility Customer Service Conference | HCLTech
We are at CS Week 2024


Welcome to the digital symphony of HCLTech, where ones and zeros waltz in binary harmony. As industry leaders, we’re thrilled to be a Gold Sponsor at CS Week 2024 and committed to supercharging customer engagement through our innovative approach to CX. Let’s explore what makes us stand out:

  1. HCLTech and HCL Software: A dynamic duo — Together, we form an unstoppable force, combining cutting-edge technology, domain expertise and a passion for delivering exceptional experiences. Whether it’s B2B, B2C or B2E, we’ve got you covered.
  2. The CX landscape: Where we excel
    • CIS (SAP and Oracle): Building the systems of utility awesomeness Our extensive experience with CIS, including SAP and Oracle, empowers utilities to streamline operations, enhance billing accuracy and improve customer interactions. We’re not just tech enthusiasts — we’re CXpreneurs driving transformation.
    • AMI/Smart metering: The flux capacitor of energy efficiency We’re at the forefront of the energy revolution. Our solutions enable utilities to optimize resource usage, reduce costs and empower consumers with real-time insights.
    • Data, analytics and insights: Sherlock meets R2-D2 — Data is the key to unlocking personalized experiences. Our analytics prowess helps you decode customer behavior, predict trends and make informed decisions.
    • And that’s not it… Intelligent Contact Center, Customer Engagement Platforms, Customer Self-service, CRM, Field Services, Unified Customer Communication and Back Office Transformation — we know it all.
  3. AI: The heartbeat of our CX ecosystem: AI isn’t an add-on; it’s woven into every aspect of our CX offerings. From predictive analytics to personalized recommendations, we’re harnessing AI’s potential to elevate experiences.

Join us at CS Week 2024 and visit our Holodeck (Booth #201)! Our booth pulsates with demos, swag and cosmic camaraderie. Our experts will share insights, success stories and a glimpse into the future of CX. And when you attend our session, you’re not just learning — you’re quantum-leaping into the future.

Let’s connect, collaborate and create magic together.

Speaking Sessions

2:30-3:30 PM May 2 Room 203C

Solution Workshop

In this session, we'll explore the transformative impact of AI on utilities. We'll start by discussing liberating agents from repetitive tasks, then move on to enhancing personalization and customer engagement. We'll also address the realistic role of AI as a practical tool and optimizing existing systems rather than completely overhauling them. Finally, we'll focus on achieving concrete outcomes rather than falling for exaggerated promises.

The session covers:

  • Empowering contact centers with AI and GenAI
  • Improving both customer and agent experiences
  • Debunking myths: AI's capabilities and limitations
  • Maximizing current investments
  • Demonstrating a solution for enhancing contact center experiences
  • Demonstrating a solution for enhancing digital engagements
  • Avoiding unrealistic expectations and emphasizing tangible results
Amol Jain
Amol Jain

Industry Principal — CX, HCLTech

Prakash P Menon

Energy and Utilities Industry Principal, HCLTech

Deep Dive session

10:20 AM April 30 Room 202B

The new and engaged workforce

Engage in this conversation about today’s HR situation. Their strategic and boots-on-the-ground programs can answer your HR challenges too.

Topics may include:

  • New ideas on attract, recruit, retain programs
  • New views on staff turnover
  • Programs to engage the remote workforce
  • Reimagining leadership and leader roles
  • Workforce choices and workplace flexibility
  • Business resource groups
  • Partnerships with high schools, community colleges and vocational programs
  • Job rotation, career development and cross-training assignments
  • Diversity and identity councils
  • Listening sessions and “Day of Understanding”
Keith Hoffmann
Keith Hoffmann

Solution Manager, SAP Practice, HCLTech

Dave Khuong
Dave Khuong

Associate Vice President, SAP Practice, HCLTech

Wednesday Lunch

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM May 1

CS Week Conference Wednesday lunch

We're thrilled to be sponsoring the Wednesday lunch at CS Week 2024, where attendees will have the opportunity to indulge in delicious cuisine while networking with industry peers.

Join us as we fuel your mind and body for an afternoon of insightful discussions and engaging sessions. But that's not all – HCLTech is also hosting a short ExpoXchange during the lunch break. Swing by to discover innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies designed to revolutionize the utilities industry. Our team of experts will be on hand to showcase our latest offerings and answer any questions you may have. Don’t miss this chance to experience the future of utilities firsthand!

Our Solutions that Transform Utilities

Leveraging a team of industry and product experts, we develop innovative tools that help our customers stay ahead in technology. Our solutions tackle operational issues linked to sustainability requirements, mindful energy usage and surging data volumes.

Our Team

Saurabh Kumar
Saurabh Kumar

VP - Energy & Utilities, HCLTech

Prakash P Menon
Prakash P Menon

Energy and Utilities Industry Principal, HCLTech

Sunil Varier
Sunil Varier

Sales - Energy & Utilities, HCLTech

Mathen Thomas
Mathen Thomas

Sales – Energy & Utilities, HCLTech

Sameer Kapoor
Sameer Kapoor

Sales – Energy & Utilities, HCLTech

Amol Jain
Amol Jain

Industry Principal - CX, HCLTech

Dave Khuong
Dave Khuong

Associate Vice President, SAP Practice, HCLTech

Keith Hoffmann
Keith Hoffmann

Solution Manager, SAP Practice, HCLTech


Join us at CS Week 2024 for a series of thought-provoking conversations. Visit Booth 201, Fort Worth Convention Center, 12 North Houston Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102.

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