Geospatial Intelligence and Telecom Data Monetization | HCLTech
Geospatial Intelligence and Data Monetization


Our Geospatial Intelligence and Data Monetization platform empowers telecommunication companies to analyze the movement of users to learn about behavior patterns, points of interest and more.

Key differentiator:

  • Collect data on user movements inside your mobile network
  • Generate insights on user behavior and points of interest by visualizing and analyzing data
  • Optimize network performance and products based on usage patterns
  • Improve revenue by monetizing data products like streams, datasets and analyses

Optimize your business by getting greater analytical and financial value from your data.


Geospatial Intelligence and Data Monetization Benefits

The Geospatial Intelligence and Data Monetization platform makes it easy for telecommunications businesses to turn their rich sets of location data into a source of great value in a variety of use cases, from analyzing network usage patterns and improving products, services and operations to helping other parties measure foot traffic at key locations and identify customer movement patterns.

Thanks to its wide applicability, monetized geolocation data — sold to external partners as either raw data or insights based on that data — has proven to provide quick ROI and a consistently high-performing revenue stream for the seller.

Boost revenue

Boost revenue

Monetize anonymized user location data in attractive packages tailored to the needs of a wide range of private and governmental buyers

Ensure quick ROI

Ensure quick ROI

Leverage HCLTech’s proven track record of achieving quick profitability for data monetization practices in telecommunications

Improve services and products

Improve services and products

Learn about user behaviors to create capacity and coverage plans that ensure connectivity and quality of service


Get the technical and strategic assistance needed to set up a platform for analyzing and monetizing the geolocation data that telecommunications companies produce as part of their day-to-day operations.


See how Geospatial Intelligence and Data Monetization can improve your bottom line and drive innovation.