Cognitive Product Support Solution | HCLTech

Enriching seamless experience with automation

Our Cognitive Product Support (CPS) framework effectively leverages automation to enrich customer experience, ensuring consistency and predictability across B2C and B2B domains.

Leveraging our engineering expertise spanning decades, we have built this framework to enhance efficiencies to boost customer experience while reducing TCO.

Powering frontline support with automation enhances task efficiency, removes bottlenecks and eliminates errors and discrepancies while relieving higher levels for complex issues.

This ML-powered CPS engine streamlines cross-channel journeys, emphasizing interaction through customizable dashboards and CRM/ALM integration.


Empowering Efficient Task Handling via Automation

CPS uses cognitive analytics, machine learning and text mining to optimize activities related to product support and provides recommendations, insights and forecasts.

Automation enablers (BOTs)

AI-based auto response engine to automate tasks or responses by identifying the intent through conversations and optimizing critical business processes.

AI and Knowledge Engineering

We combine machine learning, data mining and domain knowledge for accelerated knowledge acquisition.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Our solution combines best-in-class NLP technology customized to address specific business needs.

Case Studies

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Leverage CPS to maximize benefits for your clients with minimal effort through automation.