UNIX Developer | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

UNIX Developer

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Perform first level analysis and diagnosis of incidents/ problems for end users and system
  • Ensure problems are resolved in timely manner and provide techinical assistance as needed for trouble shooting
  • Ability to multi tash and work with team
  • Work closely with Strategy,Devops teams ti maintain test /staging/production environments
  • Mainatining,Updtating and refining documentation
  • To prepare and submit status reports for minimizing exposure and risks on the project or closure of escalations
  • Should be comfortable to write simple to medium SQL queries in DB2/Oracle

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Understand HLD and LLD artifacts
  • Utilizes appropriate software tools to develop, incorporate code fixes, document, test and debug programs/objects which have been assigned.
  • Work with the technical lead and senior developers to understand the implementation method and the design.
  • Develop and Execute Unit Test Cases
  • Develop Traceability from the Programs developed to the LLD and HLD artifacts
  • Utilize IDEs and develop in a team based environment using a standard Configuration Management tool
  • Good hands on in either SQL/ORACLE/DB2/HIVE/Teradata/Mainframe VSAM
  • Proficient in dealing with all conversion formats – File to file, file to Database, database to file etc.
  • Good hands on in UNIX environment including shell scripting file processing and automation.

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Erlaubte Dateierweiterung: Pdf, Doc, Docx | Maximale Dateigröße: 2MB

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