Oracle Financial Testing | Roles, Responsibilities & Required Expertise | HCLTech
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Testing Oracle Financial Tester

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Create logs to document testing phases and defects.
  • Report bugs and errors to development teams.
  • Conduct post release / post implementation testing.
  • Work with cross functional teams to ensure quality throughout the software development life cycle.
  • Write and analyzes test reports.
  • Produces the Test Summary Report after exit criteria have been met.
  • Recommends program improvements or corrections to programmers.
  • Attends regular status meetings with the QA and project management teams.
  • Develop utility program to test, track, and verify defects in software applications.
  • Experience with both Automation and Manual testing.

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Experience in Testing processes and best practices ( test case creation, JIRA, Zephyr etc.) – Mandatory to have
  • Strong ETL, Oracle PL/SQL knowledge – Mandatory to have
  • Bank ledger Domain knowledge / Oracle Financials – Mandatory to have
  • Oracle product knowledge (OIC, Fusion etc.) – Mandatory to have
  • SOA/Autosys etc exposure- Nice to have
  • To participate in functional as well as technical discussions with the client and team.
  • Experience Working closely with product owners and business analyst to ensure acceptance criterias are accurately captured and share feedback as needed.
  • Experoemce Working with other QC team members to automate the execution and verification of reports

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