Perl Senior Developer | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

Perl Senior Developer

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Understand the Requirements Documents
  • Assist in development and review of HLD artifacts
  • Develop Data Model and LLD artifacts
  • Develop Complex Business Logic and Data Access components using Perl
  • Integrate components developed by Programmers and Developers
  • Develop and Execute Unit Test Cases
  • Develop Traceability from the Programs developed to the LLD and HLD artifacts
  • Utilize and develop in a team based environment using a standard Configuration Management tool
  • Setup and Manage development environment
  • Setup and Manage Version Control System
  • Review code, unit test cases
  • Train and Mentor Programmers and Junior Developers
  • Keeping up-to-date with industry trends and developments.
  • Updating work schedules and performing troubleshooting as required.

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Strong knowledge on Perl language and syntax
  • Familiarity in Linux commands and running schedulimng Perl applications
  • Experience with Perl along with other scripting languages like Shell script or Java/Python
  • Experience building designing , running and deploying Perl based tools
  • Provide support to delivery for technical issues, escalations and reviews and to help in deploying in a customer environment.
  • Experience in creating documentation of operational tasks, procedures and automated processes.
  • Fix faults and restore the operability or carry out suitable measures (creation of workaround)

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