Pega Developer | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

Pega Developer

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To analyze ,define and design technical solution for ERP product’s enhancement and work towards continuous improvement during product implementation and production support stages
  • To coordinate with technical teams for pending RICEFs
  • To interact with the client and other functional teams for gaining understanding of the requirements
  • To participate in team meetings
  • To train others and prepare and deliver presentations for knowledge sharing amongst different teams in the project

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Pega 7 and 8 in depth knowledge and experience of successful projects
  • Experience using Pega architectuer, security model and service interfaces to build effective software solutions
  • Experience in REST calls , manage migration , configuration and monitor performance
  • Experience in OOPs concept and design systems security technology, Business process management technologies.

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Erlaubte Dateierweiterung: Pdf, Doc, Docx | Maximale Dateigröße: 2MB

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