Oracle (Apps)- Cerner Core Developer | HCLTech
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Oracle (Apps)- Cerner Core Developer

Roles and Responsibilities

  • The Clinical Portfolio – Core Analyst provides analytical, administrative, technical, and application support for design, build, maintenance, and troubleshooting activities required of electronic health record systems and integrated clinical and business solutions.

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

Looking for a candidate with good experience in Cerner Millennium/EMR/EHR and build and configuration

  • Basic understanding of change management lifecycle and related requirements
  • Basic understanding of end-user position security including authentication and authorization design
  • Basic understanding of clinical result and clinical reporting architecture
  • Basic understanding of health information management (HIM) process and workflows
  • Basic understanding of patient access/person management process and workflows
  • Basic understanding of system interfaces (HL7) for MFN, ADT, orders, documents, and discrete results
  • Basic understanding of clinical system integration points; awareness of relational database architecture
  • Basic understanding of Cerner command language (CCL); ability to perform and analyze system audits
  • Ability to oversee clinical design and validation processes based on business requirements
  • Ability to create and maintain documentation associated with system standards
  • Experience working individually or with team members to create end-user training support tools

Desired Skillset

  • Basic understanding of project management lifecycle and related requirements
  • Possesses knowledge to maintain and configure Cerner Millennium security solutions:
  • Preference/privilege maintenance; User-account management; Message Center configuration; Code Set maintenance and aliasing; Application Group and Task Access maintenance; Cerner Bedrock
  • Possesses knowledge to maintain and configure Clinical Results Management solutions:
  • Clinical event/result design, maintenance, and aliasing; System interface (HL7) experience and troubleshooting skills; Clinical reporting solutions management; proficiency with Discern tools and analysis; awareness of Cerner Bedrock and MPage configuration; awareness of Clinical Results integration points: health information management (HIM), clinician workflows, application views, interoperability/health information exchange (HIE) solutions
  • Possesses knowledge to maintain and configure Clinical Reporting solutions:

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