Mainframe- COBOL Technical Architect | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

Mainframe- COBOL Technical Architect

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To architect| design and develop [through team] solution for product / sustenance delivery.
  • To ensure knowledge up-gradation and work with new technologies so that the solution is current and meets quality standards and the client requirements.
  • To gather specifications and deliver solutions to the client organization based on understanding of a domain or technology.
  • To train and develop team so as to ensure that there is an adequate supply of trained manpower in the said technology and delivery risks are mitigated.
  • Experience to train and develop team so as to ensure that there is an adequate supply of trained manpower in the said technology and delivery risks are mitigated.
  • Experience ensuring best practices are followed by enforcing coding standards and best practices
  • Conveying requirements to technical developers & ensuring that a process is in place to verify build and deploy process
  • Present proposals alongside Sales and support pre sales activities

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Experience in software development in mainframe languages (COBOL, CICS, DB2, and VSAM)
  • Excellent knowledge of FIS (Systematics) software and functional knowledge of distributed application design and architecture
  • Possesses technical knowledge based on experience and highly skilled in (COBOL, CICS, DB2, and VSAM)
  • Experience in recent industry trends, software development methodologies (both Waterfall and Agile) and several distributed technology stacks.
  • Experience to train and develop team so as to ensure that there is an adequate supply of trained manpower in the said technology and delivery risks are mitigated.
  • Experience ensuring best practices are followed by enforcing coding standards and best practices
  • Conveying requirements to technical developers & ensuring that a process is in place to verify build and deploy process

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