JDA TMS Developer | Expertise in Designing and Implementing JDA TMS Solutions | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

JDA Developer

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Gather Business requirements
  • Analyze requirements and Perform Fit-Gap Analysis
  • Design and Develop the requirements
  • Strong expertise in configurations and testing
  • Assist customer during UAT
  • Prepare and Review documentations
  • Know TMS API and Infrastructure

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Minimum of 4 years of experience in designing and implementing JDA TMS solutions
  • Hands on Functional experience in JDA/Blue Yonder TMS solution.
  • Implementation experience of TM/TP, LP, TMOD
  • Experienced in integrating/mapping JDA TMS solution with other downstream execution/planning applications.
  • Experience in driving a business team through designing and/or re-designing complex planning scenarios
  • Ability to prepare materials, Solution document, Functional/Technical specification document and drive/conduct required design workshops with the client personnel to explain how JDA TMS applications work and document the as-is to to-be processExperienced in full development lifecycle in JDA TMS
  • Business Process Design, Solution Blueprint, System Design, Build, Test, Deploy and Business Stabilization/ Hyper CareEnsuring following best practices, developed or supported business team in overall business processes, and defined functional requirements that needed to be supported by JDA TMS application.

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