GW Portal - Front End | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

GW Portal - Front End

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Customer Issue Resolution
  • Research, respond to and accurately resolve cases of moderate to high complexity, in a timely manner and in accordance with CASE team standards
  • Function as primary customer contact for all assigned support cases, meeting Guidewire’s contractual and internal goals for initial response and subsequent customer communication
  • Provide expert solutions to customer problems to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Write thorough and detailed case documentation to meet objectives for Case Quality and Customer Satisfaction scores
  • Proactively take ownership and responsibility for support cases where and when required
  • Escalate customer issues to the CASE Manager as appropriate
  • Participate in team projects that enhance the quality or efficiency of support

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Candidate Should have knowledge on Guidewire PolicyCenter
  • Candidate Should be proficient on AngularJs.
  • Candidate Should have hands-on experience on Guidewire Digital Portal
  • Candidate should have Hands on experience in CSS, Javascript, TypeScript, Git, NodeJS/Angular JS, JSON, Rest API will be preferred

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