Guidewire - Billingcenter | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

Guidewire - Billingcenter

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Design, build and configure applications to meet business process and application requirements.
  • Implement required integration/configuration changes as per the business requirements
  • Working knowledge of SOAP / REST web service Understanding of XML, XSD,messaging,plugins
  • Work directly with the client gathering requirements to align technology with business strategy and goals
  • To develop and guide the team members in enhancing their technical capabilities and increasing productivity
  • To ensure process compliance in the assigned module, and participate in technical discussions or reviews.
  • To prepare and submit status reports for minimizing exposure and risks on the project or closure of escalations.

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Experience on Guidewire BillingCenter and maintaining applications using tools like Git, Jenkins, Maven, etc
  • Code Release management understanding agile methodology
  • Well versed with OOTB Billing center functionalities
  • Invoicing Delinquency, Payments, Comission, General Ledger and Casualty
  • Sound Database and performance tunning experience

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