Chatbot Developer / Lead | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

Chatbot Developer / Lead

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Understand business requirements from customers and craft conversational dialogue flows aimed to solve customer queries.
  • Ability to synthesize multiple perspectives (Clients, Developers, Program Managers) and create clear and compelling conversational journeys
  • Proactively identify impediments and provide resolutions during the Design and Ideation phases of a project
  • Be the client’s advocate and ensure that the solution is aimed at long-term success and exponential ROI
  • Detailed understanding of the underlying technology, platform, and product
  • Keep up with market trends and be a thought leader in the industry
  • Analysing existing operations and scheduling training sessions and meetings to discuss improvements.
  • Keeping up-to-date with industry trends and developments.
  • Updating work schedules and performing troubleshooting as required.
  • Promote a collaborative work environment
  • Being transparent with the team about challenges, failures, and successes.
  • Writing progress reports and delivering presentations to the relevant stakeholders.

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Chatbot development frameworks – proficiency at using any of these frameworks in building chatbots from scratch: IBM Watson,, Microsoft Azure Bot Service,, etc.
  • Programming languages – a multi-language background is highly recommended. A solid experience working with Python, PHP, Java, Ruby, and Clojure is a must.
  • Technologies – a deep understanding of how AI, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing works.
  • Mobile and chat messaging apps – A skilled chatbot developer should be familiar with different platforms to integrate your chatbots. Popular examples are Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and Skype.

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