C++ Senior Developer | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

C++ Senior Developer

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Demonstrated excellence in written and verbal communications.
  • Self-motivated and highly ambitious
  • Design and implement major components of products.
  • Research, investigate and define new areas of technology to enhance existing products or new product directions.
  • Evaluate performance of products; tune, re-evaluate the design and implementation of current source code.
  • Collaboratively determine and develop approaches to solutions for assigned projects.
  • Work cross functionally integrating, testing and debugging issues with existing system wide software.
  • Build tools and infrastructure to improve F5’s components and features.
  • Stay up-to-date on relevant technologies, understand trends and opportunities to select appropriate tools & techniques.
  • Keep track of schedule for on time delivery of assigned tasks as per the defined quality standards - Optimize pace and meet deadlines
  • Collaborate with product owners, QA, and other stakeholders to understand requirements and work on user stories/ backlog items and deliver same with highest quality
  • Attend stand-up meetings and provide updates
  • Develop solutions and POC’s based on customer and project needs
  • Conceptualize a new product or, new feature or, new component and to test new technologies or features through PoCs
  • Contribute in practice growth initiatives – Interviews, training, mentoring, operational activities etc.

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Understand the Requirements Documents
  • Assist in development and review of HLD artifacts
  • Develop Data Model and LLD artifacts
  • Develop Complex UI, Business Logic and Data Access components using C++ in a team based environment
  • Integrate components developed by Programmers and Developers
  • Develop and Execute Unit Test Cases
  • Develop Traceability from the Programs developed to the LLD and HLD artifacts
  • Utilize IDEs and develop in a team based environment using a standard Configuration Management tool
  • Setup and Manage development environment
  • Setup and Manage Version Control System

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