Avaloq developer/Avaloq tester/Avaloq BA | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

Avaloq developer/Avaloq tester/Avaloq BA

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Candidates are expected to provide strong technical skills in requirements gathering, software development and solution design. 
  • Candidates also require work experience with the Avaloq Banking Suite. Focus will be on topics around interfaces with Avaloq (online banking and online investment applications).
  • Avaloq parameterization and development of software changes including unit testing.
  • Business Analysis for change requests and incidents.
  • Close collaboration with stakeholders to ensure fit-for-purpose end-to-end functionality

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Software development / Avaloq parameterisation
  • Solid understanding of Oracle databases and PL/SWL
  • Requirements engineering and solution design
  • Analytical, structured and efficient way of working
  • Ability to deliver complex solutions independently
  • Very good command of English and excellent communication skills

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