AEM developers | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

AEM developers

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Adobe AEM Developer with strong in both front-end web design and AEM integration.
  • Sound understanding of all AEM building blocks including templates, components, dialogs, widgets, social components etc.,
  • code build and deployment process
  • Experience with Continuous Integration and related tools
  • Ability to write clean, modular, reusable code (using design patterns)
  • Experience with unit-test driven approach to development
  • Attend stand-up meetings and provide updates
  • Develop solutions and POC’s based on customer and project needs
  • Conceptualize a new product or, new feature or, new component and to test new technologies or features through PoCs
  • Contribute in practice growth initiatives – Interviews, training, mentoring, operational activities etc.

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Having experience of at least 4 years out of which 3+ years of experience is in AEM
  • Experience in designing and development and Web Content Management (WCM) experience with Analysis, Design.
  • Experience of working on templates, components, sling framework
  • Good knowledge in RDBMS & SQL (PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server or Oracle)
  • Scripting/Programming(Javascript or Other)
  • XML/HTML/CSS and web technologies and should have additional exposure to other digital marketing solutions.
  • Implementations of workflows

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