AEM Developer | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

AEM Developer

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Conception and implementation of enterprise content management solutions based on AEM
  • Analysis of customer requirements and the creation of implementation concepts
  • Independent development and implementation of innovative ideas
  • Support with the transfer of the AEM into the development and operating environment of the EPD (AEM architecture and staging)
  • Java-based development of release-capable AEM software components
  • Implementation of the supplied web frontend HTML templates in AEM JSP templates
  • Integration of Adobe Marketing Cloud systems such as Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target or Adobe Tag Manager
  • Support of the product owner in the assessment of requirements with regard to AEM architecture, technologies, internal interfaces or connections to third-party systems

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Experience with AEM Developer tools such as:
    • Apache Felix
    • Apache Sling
    • Jackrabbit
    • CRXDE
  • Familiarity with the Java Content Repository API
  • Knowledge of OSGi and its Declarative Services
  • Familiarity with building tools, including Maven
  • Knowledge of version control tools, especially Git
  • Knowledge of Patterns and Good Practices to design and develop quality and clean code
  • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (preferably ExtJs and jQuery)
  • Experience in pair programming and code reviews
  • Experience with testing at all levels: unit, integration, functional, and performance
  • Familiarity with task management, bug tracking, and wiki-based documentation tools like JIRA and Confluence

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