Mainframe Modernization Services: Transforming mainframe applications | HCLTech
Mainframe Modernization


Mainframes have been a critical part of enterprise computing for decades, providing unparalleled scalability, security and reliability. However, as technology advances, organizations often need to modernize their mainframe systems to take advantage of new capabilities and integrate them with contemporary technologies.

Our approach to mainframe modernization is using the client’s existing investments through mainframe application modernization while leveraging a hybrid cloud strategy spanning the mainframes and the cloud. This approach is centered on the business capability first view and incremental modernization. It enables a risk-free approach and minimal disruption to business operations while ensuring functional parity in a connected ecosystem.


Organizations consider mainframe to be an important part of digital transformation


Are leveraging hybrid cloud as one of several approaches to mainframe modernization


Of world’s production IT workloads are managed by mainframes


considers the ability to access data without moving off-platform as the top mainframe need

Our Integrated Approach

While enterprises across industry verticals have adopted the cloud for better agility and speed, mainframe computing has flourished as a backbone of business process automation. To undertake modernization projects involving mainframes, we follow an integrated approach as below-

  • Revitalization - In-place application modernization
  • Cloud-native workloads on IBM Z - Modernize using co-location
  • Re-host/Re-platform - Moving applications to a new platform
  • Rebuild/Transform - Transform using modern stack

Our Integrated Approach

Digital transformation: The roadmap to a single, secure hybrid cloud platform

Businesses face huge digital transformation decisions as they race to be competitive in challenging economic conditions. They must decide how to manage mainframes and cloud deployments that meet various criteria across applications, data & AI, architecture, security, costs and sustainability. In this webcast, brought to you by IBM and HCLTech, we will explore why hybrid cloud strategies are being adopted by businesses and explain how IT teams should go about delivering a single secure hybrid cloud platform.

Enabling high-speed blockchain transaction

The customer is an innovative software house working on Fintech, blockchain & AI, founded in 2018. They are the leading blockchain technology start-up company based out of Sweden.

The customer wanted to run a modern application with high IO requirements on a multi-cloud container platform to cost-effectively enable high-speed blockchain transaction rates per second. They were looking to -

  • Increase the security profile and enable a Hyperledger in a highly reliable and secure environment.
  • Monetize their blockchain solutions through APIs.
  • Achieve high throughput, low latency and stringent enterprise security.
  • Improve their overall sustainability, use the green “whatever” and reduce carbon footprint.

Enabling high-speed blockchain transaction

Speed, security and cost-effectiveness: How mainframe application modernization accelerates digital transformation

Read through this thought leadership whitepaper from on how mainframe application modernization is helping enterprises accelerate digital transformation.

Enterprises have adopted the cloud in every major industry, lending them agility and speed. Even so, mainframe computing has continued flourishing as a backbone of business process automation while businesses adopt hybrid approaches to digital transformation. This whitepaper touches on topics of the criticality of the mainframe in the years to come and what an enterprise should do to keep its mainframe landscape future-proof.

It showcases how a business can imbibe a hybrid cloud approach that takes advantage of modern mainframe and public cloud resources, leveraging the strengths of each for given applications.

Reach out to us

HCLTech and IBM partnership

HCLTech and IBM’s 20+ years of strategic collaboration allow us to modernize applications, integrate infrastructure autonomics and orchestration, transform mainframe and apply advanced cognitive capabilities leveraging the IBM Cloud Pak platform for our global enterprise clients. As a Premier partner, HCLTech is paving the way by significantly investing in the development of innovative new applications on the IBM platform that address fast-growing and emerging technology standards.