Revolutionizing post-op care with a data-driven approach | HCLTech

Revolutionizing post-op care with a data-driven approach

Elevating patient recovery outcomes by harnessing implanted sensor data through a smart platform
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5 min read


Our client, backed by a team of innovative researchers, data scientists and entrepreneurs, is a pioneering US-based medical data firm. They specialize in patented implantable sensors and analytics ecosystem offering a solution platform that facilitates enhancing healthcare outcomes through continuous and passive data collection from 'smart' implantable devices.

The Challenge

Making data-driven decisions and improving patient outcomes

Our client utilizes healthcare data to offer invaluable insights, empowering clinicians to make well-informed, timely decisions that significantly elevate patient health and quality of life. However, the legacy platform used by the client faced critical challenges in efficiently retrieving, processing and analyzing sensor-based data, posing a major obstacle in systematically enhancing patient recovery outcomes. Recognizing this challenge, the client sought a robust, intelligent platform, capable of making post-op care and recovery decisions being more data-centric rather than intuitive.


The Objective

Building a resilient platform compatible with AI/ML medical devices

The primary goal of our client was to implement a smart system that could effectively manage the complexities of sensor data and leverage sophisticated features like predictive alerts. They sought a platform that could proficiently manage the challenges and intricacies of data from implanted smart devices while supporting AI/ML integration for business resilience and downstream innovation. Throughout this transformation, the client's focus remained steadfast on improving patient outcomes and paving the way for new business opportunities.


The Solution

Implementing HCLTech’s CARE platform

Our demonstrable experience in engineering complex platforms and deep expertise in the healthcare domain made us the partner of choice for our client. Our team at HCLTech carefully crafted a highly tailored solution to address the existing issues faced by our client while keeping tabs on potential future opportunities. We implemented our existing CARE platform, ensuring that it catered to the specific imperatives of our client through constant feedback and discussions.

  • The platform supports a smart healthcare ecosystem, delivering a personalized and connected experience.
  • Our platform is fully equipped to tackle major challenges faced by the client. It monetizes features like predictive maintenance, remote servicing, augmented reality-based CARE assist, and HoloLens-driven VR.
  • We presented an effective tool that can not only enhance platform sustenance and mitigate security issues but also house any future AI/ML integration.
  • Our platform enabled IoT Hub implementation for API development.

The Impact

Revolutionizing post-op care with an AI/ML-ready platform

Revolutionizing post-op care with an AI/ML-ready platform

  • Enhanced user interface offering seamless accessibility to data improving recovery outcomes
  • Significantly improving remote patient monitoring with the help of predictive models
  • Improving security and enablement of future AI/ML integration
  • Increasing recognition among users as well as physicians

Moving forward, our client continues to be committed towards continuously improving and evolving this new platform and working with us to build a robust, inclusive and easily accessible healthcare ecosystem.
