Rethinking Cloud for a Future-Ready Enterprise with VelocITy-C | HCLTech
Rethinking Cloud for a Future-Ready Enterprise


In today's business landscape, companies need an agile and resilient digital foundation to meet the growing demand for technology solutions. However, they face countless challenges, such as a lack of validated frameworks, complex multi-vendor management and cost optimization that hinder their efforts to adopt hybrid and multicloud solutions. This makes it difficult for them to find the right path for their digital transformation journey.

To address these business complexities and offer unique solutions, assets and accelerators, HCLTech has introduced VelocITy-C. This multicloud offering is based on a certified reference architecture, co-developed with the Cisco engineering team and backed by the HCLTech DRYiCETM framework. Built on the CloudSMART approach, this unique offering leverages intelligent automation and a robust partner ecosystem to help enterprises automate their digital infrastructure components and accelerate their transformation journeys.



Lowers deployment timelines
Lowers deployment timelines
Compliant with SOC2/ GDPR/HIPAA regulations
Compliant with SOC2/ GDPR/HIPAA regulations
Improves business agility
Improves business agility
Single vendor contact for support on day-to-day issues
Single vendor contact for support on day-to-day issues
Increases automation
Increases automation
Reduces infrastructure costs
Reduces infrastructure costs
Integrates easily with other IPs
Integrates easily with other IPs