Machine-Human Coexistence in the New Normal | HCLTech

Machine-Human Coexistence in the New Normal

September 03, 2021
Ritesh Jain


Ritesh Jain
Vice President and Head of Automation, Digital Process Operations
Namratha Dharshan


Namratha Dharshan
Director of Research and Principal Analyst
September 03, 2021

We live in a new world today. One, in which, a virus pushed each and every individual and business to change habits, priorities, and perspectives. Habit of ensuring safety without losing efficiency. Priority to establish resilience and continuity. And perspective of looking within and then beyond the existing system. Organizations are grappling to find the right balance of aligning these with business outcomes and customer expectations. Digitalization and integration with new technologies have emerged as catalysts for enabling this balance.

Establishing the Enterprises of tomorrow with Digital Process Operations

Technology has enabled enterprises to re-imagine their established business hierarchy. The focus is now on achieving preparedness, agility, and scalability in the organization. With technology, enterprises are aiming to build future resilience powered by digitalization. This entails adopting new solutions that empower them to deliver enhanced customer experiences, drive greater integration between back and front office functions, and be prepared for the new normal.

To truly take the next step, leaders need to think beyond BPO and leverage technology to launch a Digital Process Operations (DPO) thinking. However, despite this inevitability, many organizations remain slow to change. In fact, an ISG report showed that 36% of leaders indicate that organizational resistance to change is the second-largest challenge in to automation deployments.

Here, evolution needs to be driven by a top-down transformation which not only incudes technology adoption for point solutions but as a strategic enabler of business strategy and way of thinking. Doing so enables organizations to move beyond traditional, siloed business models, and embrace an open and collaborative approach that offers greater operational agility and adaptation to disruption.

Harnessing Automation to Achieve Business Excellence

This is where business leaders can make a meaningful impact. As ISG reports, over 70% of organizations agree that their executives are active participants in their automation strategy1, and this is a necessary step toward rapid evolution. Business roles are changing and delivering essential outcomes that align with overall customer experience, customer retention, and drive growth requires next-generation technology leadership.

Business roles are changing and delivering essential outcomes that align with overall customer experience, customer retention, and drive growth requires next-generation technology leadership

In fact, whether it comes to addressing data entry, processing, or extraction, automation has become a de-facto technology to drive digital process operations. And as we normalize “industry 4.0” implementation, the integration of automation will play a more decidedly valuable role, especially in the post-pandemic world.

But achieving this also requires leaders to foster a culture of upskilling for their workforce. As ISG has shown, about 32% of enterprises state a lack of skills as one of the biggest challenges in the path of enterprise automation. In such a dynamic business ecosystem, it is only logical that onboarding new technologies will need to be done through the consultation of business functions and IT.

ISG believes that this kind of automation adoption is just the tip of the iceberg and the next iteration of this adoption has the potential to truly unleash massive productivity and gains. But this is a much easier goal to achieve once we recognize the facts i.e. machines don’t replace humans, they empower them. ISG can confirm, as their report shows that 91% of enterprises notice an improvement in employee satisfaction level as a result of automation initiatives2.

Building an Empowered Workforce

We are at an inflection point where the potential to transform organization operations and employee experience lies on a singular trajectory. This is a change in the nature of work culture but once where employees aren’t replaced with technology. And this leads to higher value outcomes by eliminating wasted time on manual, time-consuming tasks while also directing the digital workforce toward high value, strategic tasks.

For this, organizations will first need to remove the fears that employees have and motivate them to embrace automation with all its benefits. The path toward building a collaborative, machine-human work culture will not only unleash enterprise productivity but also workforce value outcomes for mutual success.

The objective for technology investments would be to shape and transform the existing operations, involving both business and IT. The evolution of the operations would depend on the changing needs of the market and customer behavior. While considering all these objectives, it is of critical importance for enterprises to make the right choice in choosing the solution that best fits the overall organization’s requirements. HCLTech’s digitalCOLLEAGUE is one such solution, which supports the human workforce with its digital capabilities.

The HCLTech Approach: digitalCOLLEAGUE

With , HCLTech offers enterprises a solution that has the capabilities to work exactly the way human peers needs it to. It is highly configurable and can execute a plethora of digital process operations. HCLTech’s digitalCOLLEAGUE can deliver tasks involving customer interactions, operational metrics, transitioning processing, analyzing, and delivering insights. Enterprises can use these skills to empower their employees to focus on decision making, critical thinking, and empathy. As a result, the outcome ensures greater CX and brand loyalty.  

We believe that the world of tomorrow will be better served if we adopt our ‘digitalCOLLEAGUE’s’ into the mainstream, and design workflows that enhance the humanity of our workforces. The highlight of HCLTech’s digitalCOLLEAGUE is its command center, that monitors and governs the digital workforce. It empowers enterprises to ensure SLA compliance and end-to-end visibility into the digitally performed tasks. It also allows the embedding of analytics, which enables enterprises to gain real-time insights from both structured and unstructured data. As a result, enterprises have more control over the processes, can make timely decisions, and thereby increase revenue through providing greater value and saving costs.

HCLTech’s digitalCOLLEAGUE is the answer to how the enterprise of tomorrow will function and maximize the human workforce efficiency. The machine-human relationship will only grow into a meaningful bond that delivers predictable and valuable outcomes with minimal interventions.

Download our in partnership with ISG that would enable organizations to understand how technology could work side-by-side and collaborate with human counterpart to make the best data driven decisions, produce the best business outcomes, and take productivity to new heights.

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