Structural Engineers | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

Structural Engineers

Qualification Required:

  • Typically requires minimum of 8-10 years of experience in Rotary Engineer/Designer
  • Bachelors OR Master’s Degree Engineering in Mechanical/Electronics /Electrical /Telecom Engineering.

Required Technical And Professional Expertise:

  • Steel structural design of Offshore/onshore structures (Topside, Module (PAU), pipe racks (PAR), skids, platforms & cross overs, shelters etc)
  • FPSO - structures is mandate
  • Perform calculations, Material extractions
  • Concrete design of onshore structures (foundation design of pipe racks, skids, buildings, and equipment’s including pumps, vessels, tanks, underground pits, e-house, offskid supports etc.
  • Preparation of calculation reports, Civil specifications and Technical Requisitions (TR).
  • Exposure in SESAM Analysis and Manual calculation.
  • Co-ordinate Cross-functionally with multidisciplinary project teams including Mechanical, Piping, E&I.
  • Site support and Technical Query resolution.
  • Preparation of weight control report and also responsible to deliver the AFC drawings.
  • Familiarity with various international codes viz. AISC, Euro and British codes, ACI, ASCE, UBC etc

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