StandardCell Charaterization Design Engineer | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

StandardCell Charaterization Design Engineer

Qualification Required:

  • Bachelors or Masters with 4+ years of experiences in developing standard cells.

Roles And Responsibilities

  • Standard cell circuit design, simulation and layout creation.
  • Standard Cell or IO characterization
  • Library view generation to enable digital, analog and mixed-signal design and PnR flows
  • Library QA methodology development and execution
  • Debugging library and design issues
  • Programming and scripting for automation

Required Technical And Professional Expertise:

  • A detailed understanding of CMOS and FinFet device characteristics
  • Prior experience and understanding of digital circuit design (combinational and sequential logic)
  • Ability to setup and run spice simulations
  • Exposure to standard cell characterization tools such as Cadence Liberate or Synopsis PrimeLib
  • Experience in Library characterization, view generation and Library QA
  • Good knowledge of timing, noise, power and variation modeling for standard cells
  • Strong in scripting languages such as Perl and Python
  • Good interpersonal and networking skills
  • Self-motivated, hardworking and exhibits attention to detail

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