Rotary Engineer/Designer | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

Rotary Engineer/Designer

Qualification Required:

  • Typically requires minimum of 8-10 years of experience in Rotary Engineer/Designer
  • Bachelors OR Master’s Degree Engineering in Mechanical/Electronics /Electrical /Telecom Engineering.

Required Technical And Professional Expertise:

  • Having experience & capability to perform the following engineering work
  • Preparation of Basic Design Document (Requisition, Data Sheet, Specifications)
  • Preparation of Inquiry to Vendor
  • Technical Evaluation & Clarification of Vendor's Proposal
  • GTG, API Compressor, Pumps, Rotary Packages. Involvement in FAT/SAT/Inspection is also welcome
  • Review of other Disciplines Deliverables relevant to Mechanical
  • Coordination with Other Disciplines (Process/Civil/Pipe/Electrical/Instrument)
  • Coordination with Vendor & Client
  • Experience of Oil & Gas Projects, LNG more than 8 years
  • Familiar with API standards

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