Python Automation Testing | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

Python Automation Testing

Qualification Required:

  • Typically requires minimum of 3 years of experience in Python Automation
  • Bachelors OR Master’s Degree Engineering in Electronics

Roles And Responsibilities

  • Perform thermal testing on consumer electronic products using thermal chambers and relevant data acquisition equipment
  • Prepare detailed test-plans to assess thermal health of the consumer electronic products by considering regular and corner end-consumer scenarios.
  • Setup the devices for test use cases by following the device related commands.
  • Deliver results with high fidelity test data with minimal guidance and proactively report the test status to the client.
  • Document and present test results clearly capturing all test related details in slides or White-Paper format
  • Diagnose / debug any simple hardware or software related issues in the consumer electronic products.
  • Interact with cross-functional teams like thermal, electrical, software teams in different Geo locations (US, China, India)
  • Perform thermal simulations using commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools such as FloTherm XT and StarCCM+
  • Perform modification to automation code for performance testing; write / modify python code as needed.
  • Maintain inward and outbound documents / records for all lab equipment and devices.

Required Technical And Professional Expertise:

  • Excellent with Python scripting
  • Experience in Python automation Testing
  • Experience with Hardware testing and relevant tools

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Erlaubte Dateierweiterung: Pdf, Doc, Docx | Maximale Dateigröße: 2MB

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