Job Opportunity for Plant Engineer | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

Plant Engineer

Qualification Required

  • Experience: 6-12 years
  • Tools: AutoCAD, Revit, Navisworks
  • Role: Electrical Engineer/Electrical Designer
  • Tools: AutoCAD/Revit/Navisworks
  • Domain: HVDC/Substation/FACTS

Additional Qualifications

  • Knowledge in the field of standards for the design of power systems with a.c. voltages > 1 kV and d.c. voltage >1,5 kV as well as in 3D construction with Autodesk products (AutoCAD, Inventor, Navisworks)
  • Completed university degree in electrical or mechanical engineering or comparable fields, alternatively completed training as a technician with correspondingly relevant professional experience
  • Long-term experience in execution of large-scale plants, as well as experience in project management (cost, quality, time)
  • Basic knowledge of power systems and high-voltage technology

Roles And Responsibilities

  • Responsible for the design of the plant layout of HVDC and FACTS system, considering customer specifications, country-specific standards and EHS requirements
  • Technical lead of an interdisciplinary project team, including all stakeholders involved in the design processes
  • Responsible for the design of the overall plant layout in 3D, considering BIM methodologies
  • Technical negotiations with customers, engineering services and suppliers, as well as contact person for the construction sites, preferably onsite
  • Cost calculation, scheduling, and design of the whole primary engineering for HVDC and FACTS systems, including electromagnetic calculations, studies (noise emissions, earthing, lightning protection) and material specifications

Required Technical And Professional Expertise:

  • Review of Single Line Diagram (HV and LV)
  • Technical Specification and Vendor Document review
  • Design Calculation
    • Current carrying capacity of rigid or flexible conductors
    • HT and LT Cable sizing
    • Earthing design
    • Lightning / DSLP Protection
    • Short circuit force calculation
    • Battery sizing
    • Illumination design
    • Sag and Tension calculation

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