PCB Layout Design Engineer  | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

PCB Layout Design Engineer 

Qualification Required: 

  • Typically requires minimum of 8 years of experience in PCB Layout Design & Schematics 
  • Bachelors OR Master’s Degree Engineering in Electronics 

Roles And Responsibilities:

  • Ability to read electrical schematic / wiring diagrams.
  • Ability to read electrical assembly documentations
  • Hands-on, equipment regulatory a plus Ability to do basic electrical troubleshooting. Minimal supervision needed.
  • Ability to follow work instruction/procedure to install  electrical kits on a system. Individual contributor board design and electrical system design sustaining in semiconductor Basic computer skill such as MS office, E-mails, etc.
  • Board design and electrical system design sustaining in semiconductor.

Required Technical And Professional Expertise: 

  • PCBA sanity testing, board bring-up. 
  • Experience in mixed signal circuit design (FPGA and microcontroller) and testing, est plan and matrix preparation, component selection, obsolescence.
  • Experience in mixed signal circuit design and testing, oscilloscope, digital analyzer, test plan and matrix preparation, PCB/board troubleshooting and debugging. 
  • Experience in PCb Layout design & PCB schematics design and analysis and poses a project level knowledge.

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