The Digital Path Forward


Qualification Required:

  • Typically requires minimum of 10 years of experience in Hardware design and development life cycle and along with Management experience
  • Bachelors OR Master’s Degree Engineering in Electronics

Roles And Responsibilities

  • Working on Project and People Management Skills
  • Work experience in People recruitment (profile screening, conducting interviews and work with HR team to on-board people.
  • HW design and development life cycle

Required Technical And Professional Expertise:

  • Need to very good experience HW design and development life cycle [which includes Circuit design, Schematics, PCB Layout design, Prototype manufacturing and Testing). Need not be High Speed circuit design expert
  • Excellent Presentation Skills and Customer Interaction Skills
  • Excellent Project and People Management Skills
  • Extensive Work Experience MS tools PPT, Excel sheet, Reporting tools / PowerBI Dashboards
  • Excellent People Management Skills
  • Excellent Skills in Risk assessment and mitigation plan
  • Extensive work experience in People recruitment (profile screening, conducting interviews and work with HR team to on-board people)
  • Excellent Business development skills (writing proposal with solution to customer problem etc.)

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