Electrification | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward


Qualification Required:

  • Bachelor's degree in Electrical, Computer, or Automotive Engineering.
  • Minimum 10 years of engineering experience
  • Minimum 5 years of electrical schematic creation and harnessing experience
  • Minimum 2 years of machine electrical system integration experience

Roles And Responsibilities

  • Creating electrical sub-system diagrams
  • Sizing high voltage cables
  • Ensuring proper overload protection device selection and coordination
  • Driving usage of validated high voltage connection systems
  • Reviewing cable and harness routings
  • Assisting ePowertrain technical leads in conveying the software requirements and component electronic information for HV diagnostics, events, and warnings to the various controls teams and the Electronics integration teams as needed
  • On-site build support
  • Troubleshooting and analysis of field data
  • Contributing to Service Literature creation
  • Educating process partners on the hazards and best practices for working on high voltage electrical systems
  • Assisting with establishing and documenting high voltage electrical system integration best practices
  • Working with ICS software teams to create machine software libraries for the product lines of accessory components being established by the IDT power electronics team.

Required Technical And Professional Expertise:

  • Experience driving common solutions across multiple platforms to reduce engineering effort
  • Experience with CREO electrical schematic tools and the print release process
  • Experience auditing wiring harnesses in 3d models and on-machine
  • Working Knowledge of CAN Communications and Datalink Network Diagrams
  • Working Knowledge of the Cat machine software development process and software requirements writing
  • Knowledge and Experience with FMEAs
  • Experience with machines utilizing greater than 60V
  • Experience with electric machine components such as motors, power electronics, fuel cells, batteries, etc.
  • Demonstrated troubleshooting skills on prototype machines
  • Strong communication and teamwork skills

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